Paymark is New Zealand's leading payment provider, a partner with over 80,000 local businesses.

Paymark Insights on a Mac

The Challenge

Paymark Insights is a new product of Paymark and was designed as a web app that needed a lot of functionality and flexibility dictated by its rich design. At the same time, it needed to be fast and modularized, so new features could be rolled out quickly and efficiently without affecting the rest of the app.

Responsiveness was one of the main requirements as it had to behave well in mobile, tablet and desktop versions.

Paymark Insights on an iPhone

The Team

The project was assigned to me a few months after the initial start. I worked as the lead UI developer along with a JavaScript developer. I spent about half of my time working from the client's offices and was able to communicate requirements back to our off-site team.

Paymark Insights on an iPhone

The Solution

Since Paymark Insights was launched, it received a lot of positive feedback. Our team did a great job at designing the app which worked well with the code we developed.

The Technology

From the UI perspective, the web app was built using a custom internal SASS framework that runs with Gulp and Node.js. Flexbox was the main driver of the layout, and various SASS mixins helped to put together a flexible web app that was clean and scalable.

  • Node.js
  • Gulp
  • Assemble
  • HTML
  • SASS